Week of October 6, 2024

Health Concerns

Annie Barkley
Amelia Jackson
Beverly Sanders
Lucinda Green-Wheeler


Edward Finister & Family
Anita Joseph & Family
Deacon Graston & Myrtle Norris
Sharon Shoaga & Family
Prince & Judy Smith
Johnnye Walker & Family

Celebration of Life Services

None at this time

Extended Care Request Sick and Special Concerns

Wanda Anthony
John & Johnnie Branch
Gwen Brown
Jackie Butler
Angela & Jerry Cheatham
Faye Davis
Elizabeth Duncan
Debbie Hagins
Alvin Hargrove & Family
Margaret Henson
Olenda Ruth Ingram & Family
Eddie Johnson
Frieda Lucas
Sophie Lucas
Sharon McFarland
Mae McGee
Chester Owens
Rose Owens
Patricia Osby
Jules and Verna Pichon
Elwood Scott, Jr
Mary Shankle
Anngelica Taylor
Joseph & Juanita Thomas & Family
Rev. Kenneth Thomas
Dawn Wesley
Rhonda Wesley

Special Concerns

Barbara Adams
Vanessa Beck
Rev. Janice Bell
Vicki Bright
LaPorsha Butler
Rev. Julia Harnsberry – Davis
Jacqueline Felder
Ora Fuller
Joseph & Helen Gilbert
Kenneth & Bertha Hodge
Carl Littles, Jr.
Leveral Montgomery
David Pasley
Shafrawn Peterson
Barbara Powell
Dionne Smith
Shelita Watson

Submitting a prayer request form is a simple and meaningful way to ask for support and guidance. Our team is committed to holding your prayer requests in confidence and offering our prayers on your behalf.